
Improving access to care in our community

We all count on paramedics to provide emergency care at a moment’s notice. But for Kevin Montgomery, paramedics can offer so much more.

“I love paramedics. I love the work that we do,” Kevin says. “Our members work incredibly hard and do unbelievable stuff out there.

“But it goes under the radar what we are capable of.”

Now, Kevin is using his training as an advanced care paramedic to help lead the development of Ottawa’s new Community Paramedicine Program. It’s an innovative program designed to help highly-trained paramedics fill the existing gaps in community care – and help improve patients’ experience.

“There’s a lot more that paramedics can deliver than strictly 9-1-1 work,” Kevin explains. “We can solve problems that were potentially unsolvable before.”

Just one example is how Ottawa’s community paramedics are now working with Hôpital Montfort to support patients following surgery. With remote care monitoring, patients can recover at home with 24/7 access to community paramedics, who can help answer questions and reduce the need for people to visit Emergency Rooms.

“A paramedic is coming to your home, providing care on site, and doing follow-up care,” Kevin explains. “a community paramedic is able to follow up on the care provided.”

It’s the kind of care that makes Kevin proud.

“We’re creating programs that are novel and able to support patients in our community in a really effective manner,” he says. “The ability to help provide that service to patients… is a highlight.”

Working as a paramedic is a career that Kevin wanted from an early age, after watching his step-father – a volunteer firefighter – have great experiences with paramedics. Now, with over fourteen years of service under his belt, Kevin is helping to expand the skills and opportunities of his colleagues to provide better care for more people.

“This profession and this job has given me so much pride and the ability to really make a difference in people’s lives,” Kevin says. 

“If that’s what you’re looking for, come on board.”