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We call for Action to End Protest

On behalf of more than 3,000 municipal professionals who live in this City and work to serve the people of Ottawa, the Civic Institute of Professional Personnel (CIPP) calls on the City of Ottawa, all levels of government and police services to move swiftly to end the ‘protest’ that has shut downtown Ottawa. 

Many of our members live in the neighbourhoods that have been seriously impacted this weekend. Others are working in these areas and are part of the response to these events. 

Whether by blocked access, failure to follow COVID-19 public health measures, ear-shattering noise at all hours, extreme pollution, public urination and defecation, or sexist, homophobic and racist actions and taunts, our members and our communities have been put at risk. The decisions that allowed this situation to emerge must now be reversed and should be subject to scrutiny in the days ahead. 

This weekend has been particularly disheartening for public health workers, paramedics and so many others who have been working flat out for two years to protect this community from COVID-19.  

We are proud of the contributions and sacrifices our members continue to make to keep our City safe. And they deserve to work in a safe and respectful community. We will expect employers to show understanding and provide support for our members and other workers who have been impacted by this situation.