Push back against BIll 195

Over 65? We need your help!

We need to connect with all members 65 and over who are eligible for the health benefit plan.  

We are pushing hard to have your health benefits improved. And we need to know about your experiences with the current health benefit plan to do this. 

At this time, members age 65 to 68 are offered reduced health benefits. When a member reaches age 69, they can no longer access health benefits and receive some financial compensation in place of benefits. 

All members should have equal health benefits regardless of age.  

We are pushing your employer to correct this issue. This matter was not resolved in the last round of bargaining but that is not our only option. We are now evaluating other strategies including a policy grievance.  

Sharing your experience with the current health benefit plan strengthens our position and allows us to move forward. All your information will remain confidential.