FAQs: Your Hybrid Work Arrangement  

I want to keep working from home. What can I do? 

You need to request a hybrid work arrangement.  

How do I request a hybrid work arrangement?

You request a hybrid work arrangement by having a discussion with your manager.  
You need to find out if your role has been classified as eligible for a hybrid work arrangement. Then in this conversation, make the request for what type of hybrid work arrangement would work for you. 
Be sure to identify your personal needs and outline what a hybrid work arrangement would look like for you. Speak up and be clear about what works best for you. Think about the operational needs of your position and your team and how these needs can be met within your hybrid work arrangement.   

What factors will my manager consider to determine if my position is eligible for a hybrid work arrangement?  

Hybrid work arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis. 

Your manager will look at the operational requirements of your role and team including any service to clients, the need for in-person activities and the overall nature of your work. They will also consider whether you have a suitable home space for work.  

Your ability to work from home during the pandemic may be considered but does not guarantee a hybrid work arrangement. 
We have been advised that City of Ottawa Human Resources have provided guidelines to management to inform their decision-making process and ensure there is a level of fairness and consistency across the workplace.

What can I do if my manager does not approve my hybrid work request?  

Managers are expected to make fair decisions. If your request for hybrid work is denied, your manager is required to provide a written explanation. These decisions must not be arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith.  

We have been advised that City of Ottawa Human Resources have provided guidelines to management to inform their decision-making process and ensure there is a level of fairness and consistency across the workplace.  

How long can my hybrid work arrangement be in effect?   

Hybrid arrangements will be in effect for a standard period of 12 months, unless otherwise agreed with your manager. 

Can the hybrid work arrangement be terminated early or suspended?   

Yes, the approval and continuation of a hybrid work arrangement is subject to management’s discretion.  

Management can terminate or suspend an arrangement early, provided that a minimum 2-week notice is given. The decision to terminate or suspend a hybrid work arrangement should be based on operational requirements or other factors considered by management. 

You may also cancel or request a temporary suspension of your hybrid work arrangement by providing a minimum 2-week notice to your manager.  

If I already had an Alternative Working Arrangement (AWA) like a compressed work week, a reduced work week or job sharing will I be able to keep the existing agreement while also doing hybrid work?    

Yes, if you have a prior AWA agreement, the expectation is that it would continue unless advised otherwise by management.  

AWA agreements, just as a hybrid work arrangements, are subject to management’s discretion. They can be modified, suspended or cancelled by management. 

However, this decision must be reasonable, fair and based on legitimate operational requirements. And explanation must be provided. These decisions must not be arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith.

I am concerned for my safety in the context of the pandemic, can I request a hybrid arrangement?    

We encourage you to speak to your manager and clearly identify your safety concerns. A hybrid arrangement may be possible but may not resolve your concerns entirely given the employer may still ask you to attend the workplace as required.  

You may have a legitimate basis for a request for a workplace accommodation. Concerns due to a medical condition, the health of your family or a family member that you care for – are examples of reasons to request workplace accommodation.  

Please consult with our Labour Relations team to explore your options under the collective agreement, Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

If I am working from home or on a hybrid arrangement, can the employer still ask me to come into the workplace on a day when I would normally be working remotely?    

Yes, however the employer must provide reasonable advance notice.   

The employer may still require your presence at the workplace within a short notice, but we expect that to be for emergencies and not the usual practice.

What is my union doing to advocate for members in terms of hybrid work arrangements and the return to the workplace?    

We have met with your employer to discuss the terms of the return to work, including hybrid work arrangements and to express health and safety concerns.   

We continue to advocate for greater clarity around hybrid work along with fairness and consistency in how decisions are made. We are working hard to ensure a safe return to the workplace for all members. This work is ongoing and we will continue to report back to you.