2023 CIPP AGM: Meeting Documents

Our AGM will take place November 23, 7:00 – 8:30 PM in a hybrid meeting format.

You are invited to join online at 7 PM or in person at Bayview Yards at 6 PM for dinner in advance of the meeting.

Please RSVP to join the AGM online or RSVP to join the AGM in person.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from your union leadership.

The meeting will include a report back on City of Ottawa bargaining, reports from your Board of Directors and Committees, approval of the 2024 budget and Board of Director elections. Along with presentations from Board of Director nominees standing for election, members attending the AGM will also have the opportunity to discuss resolutions on member engagement and the Arbitration Clause in the City of Ottawa collective agreement.

Our AGM agenda2023 Annual Report2022 AGM minutesbiographies of Board of Director nominees, AGM Resolutions, financial statements and 2024 budget are all available now.