Sutcliffe Service Review: Joint Letter from Ottawa Unions
Today, we delivered a letter to Mayor Sutcliffe and Council asking them to “provide a vision for the city that goes beyond another round of cuts.”
We joined with:
• ATU 279
• ATU 1760
• CUPE 503
• CUPE 5500
• IAFF Local 162
• Ottawa Police Association
Together, we represent over 20 000 employees of the City of Ottawa.
We know that our members have always gone above and beyond to care for our community and that these last few years you have shown levels of commitment, flexibility and innovation that are beyond precedent.
These seven unions have come together to share our disappointment that the Mayor’s first step has been to initiate a Service Review that seeks to “optimize service delivery while finding potential cost savings.”
We have made clear to Mayor Sutcliffe and Council that you are already striving to do more with less. And that there is simply no room for additional cuts.
We are calling for investment in municipal services and workers.