CIPP Annual General Meeting – November 23, 2022

Our AGM will take place November 23, 7:00 – 8:30 PM on Zoom. 

This is your best opportunity to get a full update on the business of the union and put your name forward for a leadership role. 

The meeting will include a report back on bargaining preparations, reports from your Board of Directors and Committees, approval of the 2023 budget and Board of Director elections.

Our union is a collective of municipal professionals. If you have ideas, passion or if you want to see things done differently. Running for election for the CIPP Board of Directors is the way to make that contribution! 

This year we are voting to elect 4 members employed by the City of Ottawa to two-year terms. As well as 1 member employed by Ottawa Community Housing for a two-year term. You can submit nominations and candidate bios for the Board of Director elections by October 24, 5 PM to
Our Board of Directors is made up of 9 members and elections are staggered to ensure strong institutional memory and consistency in governance. Roles of President, Vice-President, and Treasurer are voted on by the 9 elected Directors.

You are also invited to contribute to the AGM discussions by submitting resolutions, amendments to the bylaws and any other business by October 30, 5 PM to
If you have any questions about the AGM agenda or the Board of Directors election, please get in touch