CIPP members express Concern for Gaza and the Impact in their Workplaces
Many CIPP members have reached out to the union about the ongoing attacks on Gaza and Palestine by Israel.
Members are reporting experiences of erasure and silencing in the workplace. Members are reporting feeling unsafe, unwelcome and unsupported in the context of the Mayor’s public statements and decisions on this issue. They have raised concern at the impact of these actions on their ability to deliver certain programs. Members are asking for individual support to ensure their rights to protest and dissent are protected. And members have asked CIPP to make a solidarity statement with the people of Gaza, especially those that deliver municipal services.
CIPP Executive Director Peter Bleyer has been in ongoing discussions with the City Manager and other senior managers about the experience of members in their workplaces. We have made clear that management must ensure that Mayor Sutcliffe is aware of the impact of his actions. We have also suggested that management’s response to impacted employees should not be limited to referring them to EFAP services. This is a collective challenge that requires collective solutions. It has been communicated that one step forward would be to affirm the rights of CIPP members to participate in protest, dissent and criticism of City leadership without consequences.
Our CIPP Labour Relations team continues to work directly with individual members discussing any claims of harassment and/or discrimination and related options for recourse along with reaffirming the rights of members to protest and dissent. This team is keenly aware of the suffering being experienced by CIPP members and members of our broader community. We know that our members are feeling deep grief and loss.
At its May 21, 2024 meeting, the CIPP Board of Directors decided not to release a solidarity statement with Gaza at that time.
Members experiencing discrimination or harassment in the workplace are always encouraged to contact the union. You are not obligated to move forward with a formal complaint, members often reach out for more information on their options. These conversations are always confidential.
Your CIPP staff team stands with you and is always available to offer support.